Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wine is not, unfortunately, the opiate of the masses.

Should you wonder at all what is the true engine driving America, all you have to do is listen to the unbelievable rhetoric surrounding the switch to all digital TV. You would think, with all the turmoil and outright desperation plaguing our great country these days, the switch to digital TV would be a back burner issue - I mean, after all, who doesn't have cable and a flat screen, right? Isn't that what people bought with their subprime, overpumped piggy banks called houses? Apparently not. In fact the switch was such a big deal that Congress, yes that Congress passed an emergency measure to delay the switch to ensure that people had time to be ready. No man must be left behind!!! I mean really? Really? The buying and voting power of people who watch a static-filled Wheel of Fortune is so important that the federal government is bending over backwards to make sure they get their Vanna sans static? Wow. Losing your TV is far more important, apparently, if one is to use Katrina as a comparison, than losing ones life in America. While the US economy steamed headlong at full power toward catastrophe, Congress squabbled and preened. Thank god they've awoken to save Pat Sajack.

All I can say is, God, I LOVE this country!

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