Sunday, June 7, 2009

Unisphere/Globitron - orbasmic!

OK - I'm going to go out on a limb here: I think the Unisphere in Flushing Meadow Park, Queens, is New York's most remarkable monument. It's actually better than a monument, it's a bold and beautiful bit of engineering, science as sculpture. Built for the 1964-5 World's Fair by the U.S. Steel Corporation, the Unisphere is 140 feet tall and weighs 900,000 lbs and is made entirely of lightweight STEEL. While not as beautiful as when it was first perched into the fountain, it is still one handsome son of a bitch and unlike most famous works of art, you can walk right up to it and climb it if you dare (some graffiti artists have gotten to the lower ring, but that's as far as they've dared). Uncharacteristically in our post 9/11 world, one can get as close to the Unisphere as they like. The fountain is ringed with skateboarders actually grinding on the rim of the fountain and the police don't even care! As a former skateboarder who's been chased by many a cop and security guard, I'm both happy for them and jealous. As a lover of old New York and it's treasures, I'm slightly appalled at how laissez-faire the park officials are at keeping the Unisphere protected. In the end, while I lazed literally directly under the Unisphere and ate my lunch today, I was happy it belonged to the people now. Does U.S. Steel even exist anymore? I don't think so. As I lounged in the shade of the Unisphere watching the hive of activity around me, planes departing from nearby La Guardia airport fly directly over the globe allowing you to see them framed by the Globetrons ribs and guidewires - it's really super cool and a view of the world that the Unisphere presaged (and survived to see).

I rode my bike their from my home in Bed Stuy - it's not difficult, though not for the feint of heart either - and having a bike gives you ready access to a very large park with tons of very nice places to picnic, or watch some very competitive soccer, play a nine hole pitch-and-putt golf course, play tennis or visit the Queens Hall of Science which has the world famous New York City Diorama which I think is a must-see for any New Yorker. I might even suggest that some egg salad sandwiches and a bottle of OCD Sauvignon Blanc would be perfect companions when you decide to go. Just don't forget you have to ride home too.

More on Queens adventures coming up including great ethnic restaurants that don't have liquor licenses.

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