Monday, June 29, 2009

OCD Wine Website Goes Live

Well, if you're one of the three people not including my mother-in-law who may be reading this, CONGRATULATIONS!, you've already been to our website (more than likely). This is good news! We thought that our brand of social networking - getting together, having dinner, drinking wine, playing croquet, going to the country, etc. was totally passé at this point, having been supplanted by spending one's time Facebooking, instead of face timing. Well, you can't share a bottle of wine over the internet, though I suppose you can both buy the same wine and sip it in your homes by your computers and discuss it over the internet - wow, that sounds like fun! I guess we're kind of old school and like to actually get together have the opportunity to say awful things to each other IN PERSON, when it really counts, unlike on the internet, where it's detached sport. Getting back to our website - hopefully, you can find something of interest on our site, whether about wines or ways to enjoy wine more. To that end we'd like to use the site to bring folks together in real time, in real life, to sip and share our love of wine. Check out the site and feel free to use the CONTACT US area to say those awful things that can't wait until we see each other in person.

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