Wednesday, January 12, 2011

There's 10 inches of snow on the ground - let's talk CROQUET!!!

Some of you may know that the Communal Brands winos like to unwind with unflinchingly vicious croquet when possible. There have been t-shirts made to prove that we can wear t-shirts...and of course validate our fledgling club. The club is called the BCDC which stands for Brooklyn Croquet and Drinking Club and we generally play in Prospect Park, but have artfully arranged wickets in Long Island and the Catskills as well for the purpose of humiliation and bragging rights. People who even have an inkling of what croquet is about generally think it's about putting a ball through a metal arch sunk into the grass. This is true, but the arch is called a wicket and the balls are called balls and one utilizes a mallet, gripped appropriately to perform this task. What is more true is that putting the ball through the wicket is actually secondary to the primary task: preventing your opponents from doing aforementioned wicket transcendence. The art of screwing other players on the grass is really where the rubber hits the road when it comes to good times at a BCDC outing and if you've got a vein of wicked running somewhere through your corpus, you'll find croquet very deeply satisfying.

Sooooo, while we've been happily smacking each others balls in Brooklyn, NY, thinking we were clever AND cute to be playing such a quaint game, we've been blithely ignoring our rival Brooklyn Croquet Club that's been around a lot longer than us in, can you guess where? Fucking right! New Zealand! Can you believe it? Here we are, being led on the pitch by our stalwart Kiwi cock-of-the-walk croquet master, Dan Saunders, aka Mr. Through & Screw, and all the while there's a Kiwi club called the Brooklyn Croquet Club!

Upshot: I hereby challenge, on all the rights and authority of being a founding member and creative director of the BCDC, also known to those who matter as The Course Whisperer...where was I, oh yeah, I challenge The Brooklyn Croquet Club to a round in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY, USA on June 12th at 1 PM in the Great Meadow. Let's see if these turkeys show up!

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