Thursday, June 9, 2011

His name is really Weiner...

Not since Magic Johnson got AIDs has a celebrity (albeit political celebrity in this case) provided such serendipitous correlation between name and action. Anthony Weiner, Congressman from Queens/Brooklyn, decided it was a good idea to send pictures of his cock along with lewd tweets to various and sundry young pretty things spread *ahem* all over these great united states. While some may argue that your private life has nothing to do with your politics (complete horseshit, btw), deciding to tweet your dong shows such poor decision making and profoundly poor impulse control, that I can't say it any other way: Anthony Wiener is an idiot and not fit to serve. Sadly, he's probably smarter than most and I do agree with his position on several issues (best angle to photograph your boner, not in agreement), but his digression from smart thinking with this episode is nuclear. This is a young guy who's hip to technology and still, he chose to launch is cock into the twittersphere. Did he want to get caught? No. Absolutely not. He wanted to go on a tax payer junket to strange-poon-ville while his gorgeous, brilliant wife stayed at home gently caressing her growing belly secretly hoping the baby wasn't the demon spawn of Dick Tweeter. Does power corrupt? Sure. Do politicians of all stripe have dalliances with pages and wide-eyed dewy interns, sure. The art in all this is discretion. Bill Clinton, ironically officiated Wiener's wedding, set the bar pretty high for lewdness. Mr. Weiner, apparently, didn't follow through with any of his hot talk, but I wish he did. Instead, he just creepily came onto and sent stalker-like tweets and photos to women. This guy is an unmitigated douchetoad and should be placed in a public port-a-potty at a Nascar event, not seated in our esteemed halls of Congress making the laws of our country.